Don't Turn Back
The Don't turn Back podcast takes Bible stories, passages, and topics that may have lost some meaning due to familiarity and repetition and tries to add back in the context to restore the full meaning of God's word. The journey to Christ can be difficult, so let's use the word of God to sustain us so that when trials come up we can turn to Jesus and not turn back back to the boat.
Don't Turn Back
Ep 5: Planted
Mark Voors
Episode 5
We all face challenges in this broken world, and where we turn to for life and vitality is closely connected to the kind of fruit we produce in the word. Episode 5 uses Jeremiah 17:5-9 to look at three key questions:
- What is your source?
- Do you dwell, or are you planted?
- How do respond to "heat" and "drought"
In this episode, we use the passage to look closely at difference between the one who is connected to the world and the one who is "planted" in the Lord.