Don't Turn Back
The Don't turn Back podcast takes Bible stories, passages, and topics that may have lost some meaning due to familiarity and repetition and tries to add back in the context to restore the full meaning of God's word. The journey to Christ can be difficult, so let's use the word of God to sustain us so that when trials come up we can turn to Jesus and not turn back back to the boat.
Don't Turn Back
Ep 3: Cast off Your Cloak and Jump Up
Mark Voors
Episode 3
This episode looks at the healing of blind Bartimaeus. In this short encounter with Jesus, Bartimaeus shows 5 things everyone on their journey to Christ should show:
- He started from a place of faith
- He was persistent
- He recognized that Jesus' call changes everything
- He responded when he heard the call
- He humbly and boldly asked
As you start this new year and think about the changes you would like to make, ask yourself this -- are your ready to let Jesus not only change your circumstances, but to all change your life?